I'm searching the forum but don't find an answer for the moment. So here goes.
I use Handbrake to convert my .mkv files into .m4p files. When i do this i save my files directly in my movies folder. This is my main folder for my PMS. I keep this conversion running while i sleep.
The problem that is occuring that when i check my Plex library in the morning. First of all i have the wrong metadata. It is even of a movie that i did not digitilized yet. Secondly all movies are put under the same metadata.
My two options to fix this for the moment are:
- 'fix wrong metadata' if i search for metadata this always me two 100% choices. The wrong one and the correct movie. When i select the correct movie this is fixed.
- When i remove the files i just added to my movies folder so that PMS doesn't see them. The movies are removed from my library. When i replace them in my movie folder one by one, PMS does get the correct metadata.
Has anybody got any ideas what is causing this and how i can resolve this. I never got this problem before.
Much appreciated.