Hi guys, never posted before but can't seem to find answers for my issues, can anyone help?
I have a macbook pro (late 2013) running as a plex server, at first it was on wifi (ac) but i was having issues watching 10mbps plus films so i switched to ethernet (1gb) but i am still having the issue on multiple clients i get away with a bit more but still can't get a 20mbps film to run through with out stopping at points.
my home network is a BT hub 5.
and my main clients are sony android tv (ethernet), nexus player (wifi only), and nexus 6 phone (wifi only), and an macbook air (wifi only).
it tells my that the connection to the server is not fast enough, but i can't see how unless the bt hub 5 is slowing it down? (when i watch the file locally on the macbook pro it works)
is it the tv can't keep up? as i noticed the port going into the back on the android tv is 100mbps but still the file is a 5th of this size.
or could it be the network internally on the mac that can't upload the file quick enough?
any information would be appreciated