So, I'm trying to watch How I Met Your Mother again, and did as I always do when I want to rewatch a show: I mark the entire show as unwatched, start the first episode, and then keep playing the next one from On Deck, as usual.
However, on this particular show, no matter how many times I mark it as unwatched, or from which client I do it, it keeps resetting to watched after a short while. Sometimes it'll work for one more episode (as in I can start it from On Deck), but after that it'll be empty and back to watched again, no matter what.
I've never seen this problem on another show, and I have no idea what is causing it. I've tried force-closing all open clients, restarting the media server, and then changing to unwatched, but it still resets it. I've tried setting just the season as unwatched as well, but same problem. Is it possible something keeps conflicting with the server's media state information?
Has anyone experienced this problem on their setup, with another show?