Hi All,
New Plex user and poster so please take it easy on me!
I have two My Passport WD external HD's hooked up to my iMac. I added a few movie files to the HD's that were originally curated from a Window computer so I downloaded Paragon to be able to read and write the files. Both HD's have been working fine and I have been able to stream to my ATV4. I recently downloaded Plex to give it a whirl and now only one HD will let me import files. The one that will let me has two partitions- Windows NT Filesystem and Mac OS Journaled (For Time Machine). The HD that won't let me import anything is just one partition set up as a Windows NT Filesystem.
Note, I clicked on "get info" for the non-working HD and it says I have the permission to Read & Write. I also can see the HD through Plex and choose the folders I want to import but I can't get the actual files.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!