I'm running on a Mac Mini, and I've noticed something odd that occurred on both the .12 release and .14. The Personal Media Assets section seem to change settings. The file location for the Movies asset switches with the TV Show one, and vice versa. No matter how I set them, refresh libraries, logout, reboot, or whistle Dixie they'll eventually switch or change with no rhyme or reason.
My movies & TV shows are not only in different folders, they're on different drives.
Also odd - it says this is the local music video path in both the Movies & TV Show dialog boxes.
The reason I was checking is while I seem to get metadata fine, I do not get subtitles from Opensubtitles. I have a regular account there that works, and movies that have subtitles there, but no downloads. So I was wondering the impact of these wacky settings.
I do not have music loaded, but the TV Shows setting was replicated to the Artist & Album asset settings as well, even though I've never used them or set them.