I am playing my iTunes playlists/library through PLEX.
One problem is that with the current PLEX and the current iTunes the plays in PLEX are not recognised for iTunes's play count. I am quite sure that in earlier versions the plays in PLEX were passed on to iTunes and the play count (and the last played date, etc.) changed in iTunes.
Why is this a problem? That plays in PLEX are not recognised in iTunes is not so great because I almost exclusively play (in PLEX, but set up in iTunes) "smart playlists" that are based on dynamic settings such as "select the 100 least played tracks of genre whatsoever"... This always gave me fresh music in my playlists, iTunes would remove tracks I played the day before. Now this neat system is broken and the iTunes smart playlists always have exactly the same tracks because iTunes does not know about the PLEX plays and does not update its play count, and hence does not update the smart playlists...
Any solution ideas for how I can make my PLEX plays being recognised in iTunes? (btw. PLEX plays are recognised just fine by the Last.fm scrobbler on the same system; iTunes is open in the background)
Thank you!