Having a problem with my Certificate which resolves in the issue that i get the message "We're sorry, but we can't reach this server securely. Click here to reload the app using insecure connections."
when i open the link directly which is done on the web application i get the following error message from chrome:
This server could not prove that it is y-y-y-y.d3cf775c42344537aff40722829c8263.plex.direct; its security certificate is from*.5acaf71f5cb5422f99fb4869a7caffa3.plex.direct. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection
So the hash on my certificate is wrong. How i'm going to change that certificate?
Here how the certificates are working: https://blog.filippo.io/how-plex-is-doing-https-for-all-its-users/
My device list: https://plex.tv/pms/resources.xml?includeHttps=1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MediaContainer size="3">
<Device name="miniserver" product="Plex Media Server" productVersion="" platform="MacOSX" platformVersion="10.11.1" device="Mac" clientIdentifier="028e2b796926cdcc237c7e061e9008b36de762c1" createdAt="1411584031" lastSeenAt="1445940054" provides="server" owned="1" httpsRequired="0" synced="0" publicAddressMatches="1" presence="1">
<Connection protocol="https" address="x.x.x.x" port="32400" uri="https://x.x.x.x.d3cf775c42344537aff40722829c8263.plex.direct:32400" local="1" />
<Connection protocol="https" address="y.y.y.y" port="32400" uri="https://y.y.y.y.d3cf775c42344537aff40722829c8263.plex.direct:32400" local="0" />