I've been enjoying Music via Plex all year. Great to stream music onto my Roku or iPhone in the car. Also Vevo integration is great. I achieved it by taking a copy of my iTunes music folders onto my Drobo, and then pointing PMS to the Drobo.
However, a year on, I have kept adding CDs to iTunes and now my PMS Music is out of date.
Rightly or wrongly, I want to keep using iTunes AND Plex.
I have ChronoSync so will look at that to keep my Drobo up to date. (Let's call that option 1).
BUT i thought as an alternative (let's call this option 2);
- Scrap the existing PMS Music
- Create a new one, by using the 'import from iTunes' function.
- Whenever I make changes to iTunes in future, Plex then picks up these changes and updates the Drobo automatically?
Is this a correct assumption or not? In the same was as it detects changes to Movies folders and then updates, will it detect changes to iTunes and update?
If not, how about option 3;
- Scrap the existing PMS Music
- Create a new one, but just choose the iTunes music folder so that they co-exist.
In this option, I think I am right in assuming that Plex won't write to my iTunes folders - it stores it's metadata elsewhere. BUT, I'm wondering, is there a way I could create a dummy Read-Only pointer to my iTunes folder, and then point Plex to the read only folder instead. I'd sleep better at night if I could do this. I've got ExpanDrive, but that doesn't seem to do it. Wonder if I can just create an AFP read-only share in System Preferences and then point it to that (I've never tried it, as the share will be pointing to a folder on the same physical Mac - wonder if it will work).
Ideas on any of the options?