Sorry if this is a dull question but I've been going round in circles for weeks getting nowhere. I currently have a 2006 Mac Mini for PMS. It's really struggling (as you might imagine) and I'd like to swap it for something that will last a long time.
I thought that the Shield was the solution, but that seems to have some issues. I can't get clear in my head if a NAS is going to do a good job. So should I get a second hand (2013-4) Mac Mini? I only have about £350 to spend.
I've never built a PC and only use Macs so maybe I'd struggle there. But I'm willing to consider it.
I'd like to run a few apps (I'm not sure I can mention here), but really it will be for one or two streams at a time, at most. One will be a Samsung TV app, the other Apple TV app or streaming to a computer externally.
I appreciate any advice. My head is spinning.
I've been using Plex for a since almost day one, and have Plex Pass, so I'm ok on that side of things.