Set up several Music libraries with from 1,000 to 20,000 tracks in each. At first it all looked good, really good. Then I noticed the cracks.
Of greatest concern is why about 5% of all the artists have had their Sort Artist tag data overwritten with the Artist tag data. So e.g. David Gilmour's music files are set with their Sort Artist tags to Gilmour, David, but after setting up the Plex library and finding David Gilmour is sorted under 'D', I checked and both the Artist AND the Sort Artist fields are the same "David Gilmour". So sorting in all the music libraries is totally to **** and since the actual music files have it all EXACTLY correct, I can only assume this is a PMS issue.
Of perhaps less importance is that when I choose a library to show an artist's albums sorted By Name, I rather expect them to be sorted by the proper Sort Album tag/field and not the Album tag. Isn't that what the Sort tag is for? That's not a question. That IS PRECISELY what that tag is for.
Then, even when the albums are sorted 'Oldest first', when I try to play all the artist's tracks, it plays the newest album first, which is not the same sort order as displayed. Is there some other sort option to control this?
I was rather hoping to ask these questions directly to Plex support as they're a bit of a show-stopper at the moment. So hope someone at Plex reads this very soon.