Have been using Plex very happily for a couple of years now but over the last few weeks I've been having a lot of trouble with newly added TV episodes and movies not getting metadata.
Some googling led me to delete the folders for the agents in the plug-in support cache which, alongside updating or repairing the Plex install, seems to provide a temporary fix. However, within a few days, new additions don't receive metadata again. Today, deleting the caches doesn't seem to help at all.
This applies to both text and images. New episodes don't get titles other than "Episode 1" etc. and the images stay as random screenshots from the video file. They seem to be matching correctly, in the sense that they're recognised as belonging to the same series as other episodes that I've had for some time. The shows in question definitely have detailed entries on thetvdb.
I'm running the latest version ( on Windows 7 Professional. My logs are attached.
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions, particularly if anybody can make any more sense of the logs than I can. Not sure where to start and which entries are normal or unexpected.