I'm new to plex... trying it out before deciding whether to buy a lifetime pass. Anyways, I have a movie library and a tv show library.
Basically I can't get anything to play from the tv show library, no matter what format they are in (mp4 or mkv).
However, and this is the funny thing, if I manually copy the file over form the tv show folder to the movie folder, where I´m using the "plex video adapter" then the very same videos play just fine.
Am I missing anything obvious here?
the logs show this:
Nov 28, 2016 23:50:56.655 [0x70000270a000] DEBUG - Job running: FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBS='/Users/server/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/4b2f00a-1141-darwin-x86_64/' XDG_CACHE_HOME='/Users/server/Library/Caches/PlexMediaServer/' XDG_DATA_HOME='/Applications/Plex Media Server.app/Contents/Resources/' X_PLEX_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' '/Applications/Plex Media Server.app/Contents/MacOS/Plex Transcoder' '-codec:0' 'h264' '-noaccurate_seek' '-i' '/Users/server/Desktop/Incoming/12.Monkeys.S02E02.HDTV.x264-KILLERS.mkv' '-map' '0:0' '-codec:0' 'copy' '-map' '0:1' '-codec:1' 'copy' '-copypriorss:1' '0' '-segment_format' 'mpegts' '-f' 'segment' '-flags' '-global_header' '-segment_time' '10' '-segment_start_number' '0' '-segment_copyts' '1' '-segment_time_delta' '0.0625' '-max_delay' '5000000' '-avoid_negative_ts' 'disabled' '-map_metadata' '-1' '-map_chapters' '-1' 'media-%05d.ts' '-start_at_zero' '-copyts' '-vsync' 'cfr' '-y' '-nostats' '-loglevel' 'quiet' '-loglevel_plex' 'error' '-progressurl' ''
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:00.220 [0x700002375000] ERROR - JobManager: child process killed by signal: 9 (Killed: 9)
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:04.652 [0x700003040000] ERROR - MDE: video has neither a video stream nor an audio stream
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:04.652 [0x700003040000] ERROR - Streaming Resource: Cannot make a decision because either the file is unplayable or the client provided bad data
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:04.682 [0x70000324c000] ERROR - MDE: video has neither a video stream nor an audio stream
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:04.682 [0x70000324c000] ERROR - Streaming Resource: Cannot make a decision because either the file is unplayable or the client provided bad data
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:23.923 [0x700003040000] ERROR - MDE: video has neither a video stream nor an audio stream
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:23.923 [0x700003040000] ERROR - Streaming Resource: Cannot make a decision because either the file is unplayable or the client provided bad data
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:23.957 [0x70000270a000] ERROR - MDE: video has neither a video stream nor an audio stream
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:23.957 [0x70000270a000] ERROR - Streaming Resource: Cannot make a decision because either the file is unplayable or the client provided bad data
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:04.683 [0x70000324c000] WARN - Failed to obtain a streaming resource for transcode of key /library/metadata/2801
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:11.904 [0x700002a9f000] WARN - Got a request to stop a transcode session without a session GUID (or with an invalid one).
Nov 28, 2016 23:51:23.957 [0x70000270a000] WARN - Failed to obtain a streaming resource for transcode of key /library/metadata/2873