To add some data to the discussion of iTunes playlists:
When I imported iTunes playlists, the import would (apparently) complete and the playlists would show up on the Libraries > Playlists screen, but when I clicked a playlist, it would try for awhile to show the song titles and then fail with a message like "Failed to load items for this playlist."
Trial and error disclosed that there is a number of songs somewhere between 726 and 1,000 beyond which all the songs are added but then this happens (Walking Blues is the last of 1,000 songs in this playlist):
Aug 26, 2016 17:32:20.287 [0x7000010f4000] DEBUG - Playlist iPhone 1-1001: Got track file:///Volumes/Glyph/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/Robert%20Johnson/The%20Complete%20Recordings/1-19%20Walking%20Blues.m4a
Aug 26, 2016 17:32:20.574 [0x7000010f4000] WARN - Held transaction for too long (../iTunesLibraryImporter.h:291): 2.190000 seconds
Aug 26, 2016 17:32:20.577 [0x70000019a000] WARN - Took too long (0.580000 seconds) to start a transaction on ../Statistics/StatisticsManager.h:183
Aug 26, 2016 17:32:20.577 [0x70000019a000] WARN - Transaction that was running was started on ../iTunesLibraryImporter.h:278
Aug 26, 2016 17:32:20.590 [0x7000010f4000] DEBUG - Updating metadata item (save) (iPhone 1-1001) with ID 501395
The result is that the playlist is unusable.
If the playlist has less than this magic number of songs, this happens, and the playlist is usable (Born under a Bad Sign is last in a playlist of 500 songs):
Aug 26, 2016 20:02:30.332 [0x700000081000] DEBUG - Playlist iPhone3b: Got track file:///Volumes/Glyph/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/Cat%20Stevens/Greatest%20Hits/09%20Father%20&%20Son.m4a
Aug 26, 2016 20:02:30.422 [0x700000081000] DEBUG - Updating metadata item (save) (iPhone3b) with ID 501407
Aug 26, 2016 20:02:30.424 [0x700000081000] DEBUG - iTunes importer: playlist 'iPhone4a' (smart: 0)
Aug 26, 2016 20:02:30.425 [0x700000081000] DEBUG - Added new metadata item (iPhone4a) with ID 501408