I have 3 external drives that host all my videos in Plex Media Server. One of the drives un-mounted without my knowledge. While un-mounted I tried to play a few videos from that drive. Plex still had all the information, but when it went to load the video the link to the source was broken. Naturally.
Now, I've remounted the drive on my computer and all videos are accessible. However, plex shows the video as unvailable and I can't get it to refresh the broken link to them. Is there a way I can refresh these links? To re-check the broken files to see if the link works now? I've tried to refresh the file a million times but that doesn't fix the broken link.
The only solution I can think of is to remove the entire server ("TV SHOWS") and then add them all back again. But this would reset all my watched/unwatched statistics. And mess up my on deck.
Is there an easy way to refresh the broken links? Am I missing and obvious solution?