Post em Here to keep em organized!
Please keep in mind, your request will probably NOT get a direct response, so don't expect a "yes or no" answer here. This is more of an open thread that the Plex Dev team monitors for requests.
EDIT: Cleaned up the list so open requests wouldn't get lost in the strikethroughs :rolleyes:
This first post is updated to track the most recent requests.
Please read through this list to avoid posting dupes so we can keep the thread somewhat clean.
Note these are in no particular order of importance (anymore)
• Password Protection and/or User access control of media sections on local networks / ability to hide sections (w00t)
• Support handling of DVD/Blu-Ray extras
• Playlists
• In addition, watched / unwatched status for different local users
• Ability to stream movies directly in browser from Media Manager and/or myPlex website
• Mass editing of metadata in Media Manager
• Ability to watch trailers / option for such via client (downloaded file and/or stream)
• More granular control of library update scan frequency (certain time of day)
• Enhanced updating of PMS' connection to myPlex for flaky ISP's
• Enhanced collection management (drag and drop, mass additions)
• Tweaks to fixing incorrect matches (using URL or local .nfo, etc)
• Granular view of who is actively connected / using a PMS via myPlex
• uPnP support
• Ability to "search by quality" like 720p / 1080p / 480p etc.
• Add a "stop" button to plexweb Activity to force a shared user off
• Other search options (language, date, etc, a lot of different requests :-)
• More audio codec options for audio files (multichannel FLAC, etc)
• iTunes sharing tweaks (playlists, import playlists, etc. see post #49)
• Proper exif data support for photo and video rotation (seen a lot with iPhone videos)
• Option to exclude certain folders / files from library scans
• Force transcoding option to local clients for various reasons such as bad wifi, etc
• Audio-only transcoding for clients that demand mp3 playback
• Dynamic IP (dyndns etc) myPlex support -> server discovery is already available through
• Default user views in PMS (ascending, descending, etc)
• VOBSUB transcoding
• "Empty trash" as an option on the cocoaUI menu bar drop down
• Share iTunes channel via myPlex as opposed to making a redundant music section
• Headless PMS (no need to login to a user account)
• Allow for external audio tracks, similar to external subtitles
• Feature to allow export / viewing of history of what was viewed on the PMS -> currently available as PlexWatch or Plexpy
• Distributed PMS transcoding
• Play a file on multiple clients at once (simultaneous) - quite useful for audio files at first
• Ability to specify through advanced settings in the app the location for application support file storage
• Sync library data (not media) to iOS and other devices for offline library browsing and showing off (edge use case)
• User defined sort order / filters and user defined library sorting (rather than purely alphabetical)
• Allow Plex clients to move media to other PMS sections
• Ability to set "maximum quality" on PMS for shared users (think throttling)
• Ability to set a schedule for specific shared users (useful for a parental control kind of thing, but has other applications too)
• Provide a mechanism via filenaming convention to indicate burned-in subtitles via metadata (ex: Movie.Year.hebsubbed.ext would indicate the movie had burned in Hebrew subtitles)
• Allow audio only to be sent to iOS device for remote audio listening (think Roku3 headphone-in-the-remote feature)
• Enhanced management / metadata control for home movie sections
• Full metadata export options
• Ability for a single movie file to be referenced in multiple sections
• Live TV recording support (DVR function)
• Media Manager view of all items that couldn't be matched
• Play counts on media items, such as iTunes does for music
• Native "DVD Order" Scanning Agent
• Advanced PMS power management (client wake-on-lan or something similar)
• User defined default scan levels
• Change onDeck/Recently Added behavior to reflect movie behavior regarding movies that have been previously viewed to not re-appear as "unwatched"
• More control over subtitles, font, color, size, position, thickness of the drop shadow.
• Animated gif playback