Okay. So, I don't know how to ask this question right. I'll just give my best description of the problem I'm having.
There might be several things at play here. I watch Plex on my Roku 3. I have every episode of all 9 seasons of The Big Bang Theory. I watch it a lot; at least once a day. I just tried to play an episode and it gave me the hated "video not available" line. It played yesterday, what's up?
So, I look at the file. It's there. The drive its on is mounted. It plays on the computer via Quicktime. It was slightly off in its naming. So, I correct the file name according to the Plex naming conventions. I figure maybe the rules are more strict all of a sudden. I confidently try it on the Roku. Nope. Okay. It's not the filename. I set permissions to all for each actual file, just incase. 'Cause that's got me plenty of times. Nope, not this time. So, I switch users from Roku to my top level account. It plays. So, it's a user issue? I have Roku, My iPhone, Her iPhone, Her Mac book and the guest account as sub-users. (BTW, some users have the folder view option. Others don't and I can't figure out why. I can't find anything wrong with any user settings. It can't be the content filter or user permissions. TV PG is allowed for every user. If it weren't, or the user didn't have permission, it wouldn't show up to be played, but it does. Other shows work. This ONE doesn't. It does not play on Plex Web either, even under my top level user account. I updated the library first and after each time I made some change. Nope.
I'm at a loss. I need some help before I go all Rambo on these bloody computers. They're expensive. So, I don't want to do that, but the Big Bang junky in me get so mad. ;-)
Also, not sure if this is related to the missing file that's there issue, but I keep setting up files very nicely, a pleasure to browse through and experience, only to find them randomized, pictures and meta data gone, unfindable in the Plex browser, or just plan gone from Plex search won't even find it. Literally hours of work down the drain. On frequent occasions. To me, this seems like background changes affecting things on my end.
Please, help me get my fix... I mean get my show fixed.