So I am trying to set up a PMS through my iMac and have had a long run of head-scratching trying to get it to communicate with my Samsung Smart Tv. There was always a remote access issue and whenever I checked to see if ports were open (through I always had a connection time out.
I am running a D-Link DSL_2880AL modem/router and have followed every guide I could find to forwarding ports - static IP, disabling firewall, setting incoming exceptions e.t.c. e.t.c. I've never had any problems with any previous modems and consider myself reasonably comfortable with this tech side of things.... But whatever I set or tried on the Mac got me nowhere. And often it wouldn't even save my port forwarding settings.
So I tried with the laptop to see if it was a mac thing or a router thing and Plex started up and connected first time like a charm. My PC laptop seems to work much better with UPnP forwarding (I run Soulseek for music and that forwards the ports very simply too).
So I thought that if I could get the port open then I could still somehow point the library to my iMac (which is where all my media is), but no joy. Firstly, it only connects when the PC is on, and even though I have scanned in all my files and logged in, and entered the code the TV has given me, I cannot see any of the files on my iMac, only the ones on laptop.
If someone could give me some pointers as to where I am going wrong, or how I could fix this I would be SO grateful. I have googled my butt off searching both the plex forums, reddit and anything and everything to do with my DSL router but have come up with nothing....