Hey guys !
So I'm in trouble. Flex was working fine until yesterday night, I tried to install Open Plex, and I screw up, then I deleted everything about Plex on my computer because nothing was working anymore. Tonight I want to re install Plex so I follow the steps, like I did the first time, but now, when I want to put "sudo "/Applications/PlexConnect-master/PlexConnect.py", to run Plex connect, Terminal says :
20:39:41 PlexConnect: ***
20:39:41 PlexConnect: PlexConnect
20:39:41 PlexConnect: Press CTRL-C to shut down.
20:39:41 PlexConnect: ***
20:39:41 PlexConnect: started: 20:39:41
20:39:41 PlexConnect: Version: 0.5-dev-101215
20:39:41 PlexConnect: Python: 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 12:54:16)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]
20:39:41 PlexConnect: Host OS: darwin
20:39:41 PlexConnect: PILBackgrounds: Is PIL installed? False
20:39:41 PlexConnect: IP_self:
20:39:41 DNSServer: started: 20:39:41
20:39:41 DNSServer: Failed to create socket on UDP port 53: [Errno 48] Address already in use
20:39:41 PlexConnect: DNSServer not alive. Shutting down.
20:39:41 PlexConnect: Shutting down.
20:39:41 PlexConnect: shutdown
20:39:41 PlexConnect: shutdown
So I guess its because it detected my first install or I dont know... I need some help guys please.
Sorry for my english, I'm French !
Good evening !